Challace Marie Roper
Challace Marie Roper
October 12, 2016
7.8 lbs
20 inches
At our 20 week ultrasound we found out that we would be having a sweet little girl! We were so excited. We did a fun little photoshoot and then had a gender reveal with our families. I love to have everyone guess what gender they think the baby will be. It was a sweet and precious day.
At my 38 week appointment the Dr. told me I was dilated 4cm and 80% effaced. Naturally I was little excited, but I figured it would be like my first pregnancy and I'd still be pregnant for a while. 39 weeks came along and same story almost 5cm and 80% effaced. The Dr. tried to convince me that if I had my membranes stripped it would more than likely put me into labor in the next couple days, (more than 60% chance he said). So hesitantly I went with it.
But of course, it didn't work! 40 weeks came along and there I was at yet another Dr. appointment. On my due date I saw Dr. Packham same ol' same ol' at the appointment. After checking me he asked how I was feeling. Being 40 weeks pregnant I expressed that I felt fine but was more than ready to have this baby! He looked at me shocked and asked if I had been having any contractions, I replied with a firm no. Again, a surprised look on his face. He then told me "you are dilated to a 7 and 80% effaced. I don't know how you could be walking around and not having contractions. If you'd like I can break your water and start your labor now." I being the stubborn woman I am, politely said no and asked him to set up an induction date. I was just sure I would go another week.....they had been telling me for weeks that baby would make its appearance any day now and it hadn't happened. So why would I believe him now??
After a long discussion and lots of convincing on my part we had an induction date set. I went home to get some things done, and later attended activity days where I started to feel a little uncomfortable.....with my first pregnancy I had an epidural pretty quickly and never experienced the feeling of contractions, so I was completely oblivious to what these pains were. After activity days I went to a friends to see the new home they were building. We went to tour the basement and after walking back up the stairs I was pretty uncomfortable. She asked how I was feeling and when I told her of the pain I was feeling she tried to instill in me that I was in labor. Not convinced I left towards home.
On the way home I called Craig to tell him about the pains that were coming and going every once in a while, and to maybe expect baby girl t0 come late in the night or maybe the next day. 10 minutes later Mahonri and I arrived at home. I decided to lay down for a while to get the contractions to go away. After lying down for about 10-15 minutes I realized the contractions were getting worse, and a lot closer together. 3 minutes apart! It's then I realized that this definitely wasn't Braxton hicks. Craig was working about 30-45 minutes away in Murtaugh at a pump job, so I quickly called him and told him that baby was coming and he needed to head home.
Between contractions I worked to get Mahonri fed, diaper changed, and bags in the car. Somehow Craig made it home fairly quickly.....I'm sure he exceeded the speed limit just a little bit ;) We got in the car, took Mo to Grandpa Roper's and by 6 were headed to the hospital. 6:20 we pull into the hospital. I remember trying so hard to get to the elevator before another contraction came. I barely made it!
Once on the delivery floor they started to check me in and the nurse says "we have been expecting you." I looked at her very confused and she replied "Dr Packham said you'd probably be in sometime today." Finally the Dr's were actually right! :) Once settled in my delivery room they attempted to get an IV in (which is always a terrible struggle), checked me, and got me all checked in. I decided to go without a epidural this time around and contractions were coming frequently. In between contractions was great, I could sit and chat like nothing was wrong in the world, and although contractions weren't fun they were manageable.
At 7:44 Dr. Crandall came to check on my progress. He said I was at a 9.5 and fully effaced, he proceeded to brake my water and told me he'd be back when the nurses called to say I was ready. I remember such a feeling of relief when he broke my water....crazily thinking that somehow that would make things better. But that sense of relief was quickly followed by the worst contraction and the need to get that baby out. I heard Craig scrimmaging to the door and calling after the Dr. He quickly came back to my room and at 7:49 our sweet little girl was born. <3
I remebmer them placing my newborn baby on my chest and just thinking, "get her off...I'm dying...Is my baby okay...Please don't let me die." The pain had been so manageable up until the point of my water breaking, and now I truly thought I was going to die. Thakfully that didn't happen and I was so grateful to have my sweet newborn girl.
5 was unbelievable to me. I never knew that, that much pain, and happiness could all happen in 5 small minutes. But she was here, and we couldn't be happier.
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