
This week has been full of crazy adventures for us. Last weekend Craig and I were putting some pictures up in our room and afterwards Craig decided to put the hammer underneath my pillow "just in case someone breaks in and you need a weapon" He said.....a joke between the two of us. We then layed in bed and took a nap, totally forgetting about the hammer. Days had passed and Craig was asking where the hammer was. I couldn't find it for the life of me. I looked and looked and then decided to check underneath the pillow just in case. And of course there it was! I had slept with it under my pillow for days!! Craig and I thought that was pretty funny.

Another crazy thing that occured this week happened when we were in Utah for a wedding. We traveled up the night before and stayed with Ezra and Jessica. That night we had blown up our air mattress and were beyond ready for bed. We said our prayers and were climbing in bed when Craig realized that the air mattress was flat, just our luck! so at midnight we went to walmart to exchange it for a new one. As we were pulling into the parking lot a lady began to back out, almost hitting us! Craig stepped on the gas, just to barely miss her. We parked and were on our way into the store when all of a sudden someone was yelling "Dont you think it would be a good idea to watch where you're going??!!" was the lady who had almost hit us. She continued with some words i wont repeat. I of course was totally freaked out and whispered to Craig to just keep walking and to not say anything back. That was hard for him.

We decided that people in Utah are totally and utterly crazy. Walmart was full of crazy people that night and was a definite adventurous experience. One im sure we'll never forget! :)
