Broken Bones

It's no secret that Craig likes to go hunting. And in October of 2018 he went on a hunting trip with his dad and a friend from our ward at church. On Friday October 26, 2018 I got a call from my mother in-law. She told me that she'd received a call from her husband saying he and Craig had wrecked their motorcycle they were sharing. She continued with "Craig was fine but had hurt his hand and is on his way home."

I talked to Craig on the phone a bit later and he told me he was in quite a bit of pain and thought maybe he'd broken his hand or wrist. He got home a little later in the evening and I took him into quick care. While we were there they asked him to remove his ring for xrays...which proved almost impossible for him to do since he was in so much pain. The first few days he was in a lot of pain, it was hard for him to do much. I felt so bad for my sweet husband and did the best i could to help ease his pain. Needless to say over the next several weeks I would practice being his personal nurse! 

The xray showed that he had fractured his 3rd, 4th, and 5th metacarples and they werent sure if he would need surgery or not. They gave him this silly hand brace (that the specialist the next week laughed at) to help with the pain and refered him to a specialist. 

It was a long weekend for Craig, and waiting to get into the Dr. Monday seemed to be forever away. That next Monday in the specialists office he commented on how his 5th metacarple was "smashed to smithereenes" and was dumbfounded at how even though it was a terrible break the bones seemed to settle in a good enough place that they would try and avoid surgery and see each week with xrays if his hand was progressing well enough on its own. After a few returning visits they decided surgery wouldn't be necessary and we were thankful for that. They casted him up and he was 1 handed for a total of 12 whole weeks! But that didn't stop him!! Anyone who knows Craig knows he thrives off of working hard, and staying busy. It comes so naturally to him, it's in his blood and makes him who he is. I was so amazed and surpried at the things he could do on his own, one handed. He's such a trooper!
(How he drove that skidsteer with one hand and one elbow is a mystery to me! This guy just keeps going no matter what life throws him. I NEVER hear him say "I can't",  he's always willing to try.)

In the midst of all this with Craig, Mahonri decided to jump off a slide and injured his elbow. It was just our luck that his injury happened over the weekend as well! Which meant an ER visit, which lasted WAY TOO LONG, putting us home at 1 a.m. They splinted him in the ER and referred us to the same specialist Craig was seeing.

He was terrified to have to go to the doctor. He cried and cried about it. Even in the waiting room. He worked himself up so much about it he eventually fell asleep. 

Once in the room the kids enjoyed watching a show for a bit, they both started to get a little restless and eventually Challace konked out on Craig's lap. Once they finally figured out what they wanted to do for Mahonri's arm he got all worked up again. He was not excited about having a splint. He took it off first thing the next morning until we could get him into a sling.

That next Monday we made our way to the Dr's office for a follow up visit for Craig and Mahonri's first visit. Craig was ecstatic for this day to come. Monday November 19th meant cast off for him and cast on for Mahonri! The looks we got from people with Mahonri walking in with his arm in a sling, and Craig in a cast were unforgetable. Even the Dr. commented on how I need to keep these crazy boys reigned in! :)

Fortunately, Mahonri's injury wasn't as complex as Craig's, but for the sake of his growth and future use of his elbow they casted Mahonri too. He was pretty stoked to be able to get a cast with 2 different colors! And of course he chose orange and green, his two favorite colors. I was worried that the next few weeks with a toddler in a cast were going to be miserable but he was such a champ! Of course, there was problems with getting himself dressed, and sometimes holding his bowl or plate still while he tried to eat left handed, but other than that he did so well!

Wednesday December 19th was a big day for Mr. Mo. He was finally able to get his cast off and he was terrified about the machine they use to saw it off. He cried a little and kept saying "I want my cast back on!" It took him a while to use that arm again, but I'm sure it felt pretty weird.

There is one things that's for sure. These boys DO keep me busy and constantly on my toes. All of this happened at a very inconvenient time (with me being pregnant and so sick.) And although it seems like trials hit all at once, I'm grateful for the trials we've faced, the strength we've gained, and the love that's flourished between us. I wouldn't want to live this life with anyone else. 

Mahonri playing with Craig's hand brace, thinking it was pretty cool, before ever breaking his own arm.

Craig couldn't fit his cast through his sweaters or coats so he'd wear them like this! He got so many funny looks, and people asking him if he didnt have an arm! :)
